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The way these networks are wireless, they offer not use the traditional topologies included by other networks. There really are two types of wireless networks, particularly Ad hoc network and Infrastructure multilevel. In an Ad hoc network, a group of computers are similar using the IEE 802.11b data be connected protocol and communicate as peers. In an Infrastructure network, the methods are connected using wireless access issues that are connected to cables.
Number of two types of configurations used near FDDI networks, namely class A in addition class B configurations. In elegance A, a double ring topology is actually used in which the computers will most certainly be connected to two rings. Generally signals travel in opposite directions on your both the rings, and if considerably more a fault in one ring, generally receiving computer can still receive you see, the signal through the other ring. These networks provide a better flaw tolerance. Class B networks draw on a single physical ring and is, therefore, less fault tolerant.
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